Orlando Home Roof Tarping
Along with the summer rains and storms in Florida come leaky roofs that can cause serious damage to your home. If you notice water spots on your ceilings or even have a water dripping leak, one of the first steps in protecting your home is to have a tarp applied to stop the damage in its tracks. Good news among the bad is that most home insurance policies will cover the price of your roof tarping service. After putting in a claim with your insurance company, contact A Painter's Touch LLC so that our experienced and professional crew can come apply a water tight and windproof tarp to prevent further damage while you wait to have your roof repaired. Whether its a smaller area of the roof or the entire house, our Orlando Roof Tarping professionals secure the tarp with nails or sandbags to provide a guaranteed water tight seal. By the way, our team tarped over 150 homes in Panama City Beach and the Florida panhandle following Hurricane Irma. Our team has perfected our methods and strategies through our experience so we know that we can guarantee your home will be safe from any further leakage. We follow up with our customers to ensure that they are satisfied and dry, even if it means coming back out to correct any issues. Check out these pictures of one of our recent roof tarping projects where it can be seen that we fully secure every inch of the tarp. If you need roof tarping services, contact A Painter's Touch LLC at 407-218-0625 and get it done right, the first time.